Diet for Blood Type O

The goal of people with blood type O is to indulge in foods which have high amount of protein and low in carbohydrates. This is similar to the diet that hunter-gatherer ancestors follow. Hence, the daily diet should be concentrated more on lean meat and fish. Even if dairy products are rich in protein, these are not recommended because of high amount of carbs.
Diet for Blood Type B
People with this blood type would not such a hard time because there are more varieties of food which can be eaten. Our ancestors who are constant travelers have this type of blood. So, the only concern is to eat a balanced diet regularly and stay away from those which have been heavily processed and chemically induced.

Diet for Blood Type A

 People with this type of blood should eat more grain products, fruits and vegetables. Meat is not recommended because this is not easily processed by the digestive system.

Diet for Blood Type AB

It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits for people with this type of blood type. Basically, the diet should be a combination of the recommended food for people with blood type A and blood type B. However, since leaning more on vegetarian diet results to more efficient weight loss, eating fish and meat should be regulated too.

Make Your Water Diet

Drinking more water alone cannot help you lose weight. Remember that water only helps your body burn fat faster and helps you control your portions. But to really lose weight, you also need to eat the right foods and to exercise.
Also, drinking more water than you’re used to may at first be difficult to adjust to. You will probably find yourself running to the bathroom more often. Some people get discouraged by this, but instead of taking it negatively, you should actually welcome the change. After all, it’s not water leaving your body. Having to go to the bathroom more often means that your body is flushing out more toxins, those that your body has been storing all these years, as well as the extra water it’s been holding on to, those that accumulate around your ankles and thighs. So just hang in there; as your body gets used to your new water diet, you will be going to the bathroom less.