Regulate Your Blood Pressure by Eating Potassium Rich Foods

With the rising number of people who are affected by high blood pressure, people have to be more proactive when it comes to finding ways on how this could be avoided. For those who already have high blood pressure, there is a more serious urgency to find ways on how this could be controlled. Yes, there are a lot of meds that could be taken to help people with this health problem. However, instead of becoming a pill-popping and med-dependent person, it is crucial to learn the natural ways on how this could be alleviated. How exactly can that be done? Do not ignore the importance of potassium rich foods.
Potassium is the secret weapon which can put a leash on sky-rocketing blood pressure. This is an element that is a silvery white alkali metal in its raw form, based on the periodic table. This is needed by the body for efficient blood circulation. It has the ability to balance out the water electrolytes inside the body. When this is coupled with sodium, it is capable of transporting body fluids and electrolytes to all parts of the body.

How Potassium Revamps Your Health

Are you wondering how potassium rich foods could successfully aid in lowering blood pressure? Ever since 1928, researchers and physicians have closely studied the connection of potassium with high blood pressure. Today, amidst all the wonders in the medical field, the natural effects of foods with this vitamin remains significant.
It has been widely recognized that sodium is the primary perpetrator which triggers blood pressure to rise. What potassium does is that it enables the kidneys to filter out sodium more effectively. Hence, this significantly lowers the amount of sodium within the body. Because of that, rising blood pressure can be avoided.
To make things even better, potassium also avoids problems like heart attack and stroke. This vitamin can lower risks of such problems by as much as 38%. With enhanced performance of the heart and better blood circulation, cardiovascular problems are less likely to strike.
These days, the typical diet of most people is packed with too much sodium. Fast food eating combined with smoking and drinking could surely lead to cardiovascular problems in the long run, especially when there is not enough potassium to negate these. Hence, it is utterly important to include potassium rich foods in our diet.

Foods That Are Rich in Potassium

Banana is the number one item in the list of potassium rich foods. One medium banana (about 118 grams) already has 467 potassium per mgs. Aside from this fruit, there are numerous other foods which can also provide high amounts of potassium like avocado, dried apricots, cantaloupe, raisins and dates.
You can also get it from fish like tuna halibut, salmon and trout. Vegetables like artichoke, lentil, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are potassium rich foods too. Even dairy products like non fat milk and low fat yogurt can be good sources.
Before you even start stashing pills in your body, you might want to do some alterations with your diet first. After all, nothing beats the natural way of dealing with hypertension.

Caramel Creme Cinnamon Puffles
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup milk
90g unsalted butter
1 1/3 cup plain flour
2 eggs
3 cups vegetable oil

Put sugar and cinnamon in a baking tray and combine. Put milk and butter in a medium pan and cook, stirring over a low heat until the butter has melted (do not boil). Add flour and stir until mixture forms a ball. Transfer to a large bowl. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition until completely combined. Put mixture into a large piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. Heat the oil over a high heat. Pipe blops of mixture into the oil and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the balls float to the top and are golden. Immediately transfer with a slotted spoon to the sugar and roll until well covered.

2 cups milk
4 large egg yolks
6 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp corn flour
40g butter
1 tsp caramel essence
To make the custard, bring milk to the boil. At the same time, in a separate saucepan, combine yolks, corn flour and sugar together and whisk over a low heat until the milk boils. Add a splash of boiled milk to the yolk mixture and begin to whisk vigorously. Gradually add the rest of the milk, continuing to whisk constantly, until thick and smooth. Remove from heat and immediately scrape the custard into a bowl and place in a basin containing a few inches of cold water. Add the butter in 3-4 installments. Add caramel essence to flavour. Cool.
Peirce each cinnamon ball with a knife. You will notice one side of each ball has an air pocket. This is the side to pierce. Fill a piping bag with the custard and pipe into each hole. Serve

“Foods that lower the blood sugar” 

Unusually high blood sugar is a health hazard for both diabetic and non-diabetics alike. It is also known as hyperglycaemia. It might happen gradually or suddenly. Whatever causes it or how it happens, it is very wise to keep a kitchen stocked with foods that lower blood sugar to have as part of your daily diet and counter an attack should your blood sugar spike.

High blood sugar is a critical issue to those suffering from diabetes and what causes it will obviously differ from non-diabetics. The main culprit of high sugar in diabetics is unbalanced insulin. Patients are required to take shots of insulin every day to regulate their sugar. When it is not taken or administered incorrectly, it could have an adverse effect on the body. It can also happen if insulin medication is passed its expiry date. Another cause of unpredictable blood sugar is stress. Stress in this case refers to the negative kind that might surface because of professional or personal reasons. Positive stress, such as an intense feeling of happiness, can in fact benefit the well being of diabetics.

Besides insulin, high blood sugar levels are a result of diet. This is a major cause in diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Carbohydrates in food are known to raise sugar in your blood and it’s not hard to imagine what happens when you consume carb-loaded meals. Fortunately, fixing high sugar levels through diet is easier than most people think. It really does involve eating foods that lower blood sugar. Among these foods are vegetables, fruits, nuts, and vinegar and lemon juice.

You have to be careful about the kind of vegetables you include in your diet. Although vegetables are considered to be healthy in general, when you want to avoid spiking blood sugar, it’s wise to have veggies like celery, artichokes and onions. These foods have certain properties that are designed to lower glucose in your system and reduce symptoms of hyperglaecymia. You should also make an effort in selecting your fruits. Most fruits have sugar so it is best to eat those that contain the least amount so as not to cancel out their effect. Best foods that lower the blood sugar are strawberries, oranges, apples, pomegranates and cranberries. Nuts can be mixed with sunflower seeds for maximum effect. If you enjoy salads, make a salad dressing from vinegar and lemon juice instead of dressings that are loaded with carbohydrates.

How do you know you’re suffering from hyperglycemia? The milder symptoms include thirst, headaches, and feelings of fatigue, weight loss and diminished concentration. The best way to find out, of course, is to consult your doctor and measure your blood sugar level. If you don’t treat your high sugar levels either through medication or foods that lower blood sugar, it might lead to infections; deterioration of vision slowed healing, stomach problems and damaged nerves. For diabetics, high sugar levels can be a matter of life and death and for non-diabetics; it can have serious consequences and cause irreversible damage to your health.


Thanks to panlasang